I've always been a goal setter. I blame it on my dad. A guy who blames his success on goal setting. And since I feel I am more likely to complete my goals if I share them, I figured I would do so here. I still might fail, but embarrassment is a good teacher for me, and I might be a little less likely - or at the very least more concerned about completing them if I share them with the internet void and you, dear reader.
In the past I've done elaborate goals, big Happiness Project style goals with monthly and even weekly goals. But I feel like in doing that I kind of set myself up for failure. This year, I'm keeping it simple with three difficult (for me) but attainable (I think) goals.
So here they are:
1. Write every day. It doesn't have to be a lot. Can be a paragraph, can be a chapter, can be on my blog, in my journal, or on one of the many projects I have, but the rule is that I have to write. This quote is inspiring me for this goal:
"The one ironclad rule is that I have to try. I have to walk into my writing room and pick up my pen every weekday morning." - Anne Tyler
2. I'm going to run a half marathon. I honestly can't believe I am putting this here, because I am the worst runner, and, while I exercise regularly, can't be counted on for more than two miles on any given day before I want to cry. But I admire runners, and know a girl who ran a half marathon four months pregnant, so if she can do it, so can I. Right? (right?)
3. Be nice. Nice to my husband. Nice to my baby girl. Nice to myself. And, nice to anyone else who comes in my path, but mostly be nice to those three people. My life right now is stressful and it seems that those I love the most get the brunt of my stress. Man I love those guys. I know it's not measurable like the others, but it's all I've got right now. I'm just going to try really hard to be nice.
Here's a pic of the two loves I talked about on Goal 3 ringing in the New Year in Jamaica. 2014 was so hard. We're ready for a blank slate. Welcome, 2015. We're so happy to see you.